How Child Support is Calculated in New Jersey

I often encounter parents who enter our office with misconceptions about how child support is determined. I find this fear stems from two places: 1) A misunderstanding of how child support is calculated; and 2) references in pop culture. (One song by Kanye West, in particular.) Common NJ Child Support Myths: An overview of how… Read more »

Jonathan Wolfe concludes term as Chair of ABA Section of Family Law

Jonathan W. Wolfe, co-managing partner of Skoloff & Wolfe, P.C., completed his term in August as Chair of the American Bar Association (ABA) Section of Family Law. Prior to his term as chair, Mr. Wolfe held numerous leadership positions in the ABA, including as a member of the ABA’s Executive Committee, Board of Governors and… Read more »

Acceptable Grounds for Divorce in New Jersey

acceptable grounds for divorce new jersey

If you are a resident of New Jersey and contemplating a divorce, among the things you may want to understand is what you will have to tell a court in order to allow you to dissolve your marriage. First, it is a generally a requirement that either you or your spouse must live here for… Read more »