Important 2024 Property Tax Appeal Deadlines for NJ, NY, and PA

2024 property tax deadlines are quickly approaching for all taxpayers who lease or own real property in NJ, NY, and PA. If you believe your assessed value is unreasonable and are looking to explore relief through an appeal, please be aware of the deadlines below and speak to the property tax attorneys at Skoloff & Wolfe, P.C.

New Jersey

All Counties: April 1st, 2024, unless reassessment or revaluation has occurred.*

Reassessments / Revaluations: For taxpayers and taxing districts where a municipal-wide reassessment or revaluation was implemented, the filing deadline for appeals is May 1, 2024 (or 45 days from the date of final notice of assessment).

*Except for Burlington, Gloucester, and Monmouth Counties.

New York

Statewide: May 28, 2024
City of Corning: May 2, 2024
Suffolk County: May 21, 2024
Westchester County: June 18, 2024


Allegheny County: March 31, 2024